Farm mediation and arbitration board eliminated; duties transferred to DATCP [Sec. 57e, 2501e-L, 9104 (2m)]
Act 27
Farmer assistance and farm mediation and arbitration programs revised; dairy farmer exit and entry program created; admissibility of evidence provision -
Act 264
Federal dairy pricing policy and milk marketing order reforms: DATCP duty; DATCP to assist organizations in reforming policies [Sec. 173, 173b, 2493, 2493b, 9404 (2x)]
Act 27
Fish farm and private fishing reserve revisions [Sec. 63w, 68f-s, 70g, r, 82ag, 322g, j, 9204 (1c), 9236 (2c)] [9236 (2c) — vetoed] -
Act 237
Food inspection program efficiency study required; plan and JCF duties [Sec. 9104 (1)] -
Act 27
Land and water conservation board advisory members re U.S. Secretary of agriculture representatives modified; certain provisions of chap.134, Wis.Stats., renumbered re DATCP and DHFS administration (remedial legislation)
Act 111
Mobile home park water or sewer service: regulatory authority transferred from DATCP to PSC; FTE position and assessment provisions; study required [partial veto]
Act 229
Nonpayment of support: DATCP and DNR license denial for; SSN and subpoena or warrant provisions
Act 191
Nonpoint source changes re watersheds, cost sharing grants for best management practices, bonding authority, local project funding and pilot project to evaluate trading water pollution credits [Sec. 178e, 366, 367, 397, 398, 414g, 728, 730, 730m, 731k, 735ag, 3495m, 3573-3585, 3586-3588, 3588s-3599, 3606, 9437 (3)] [3606 — partial veto]
Act 27
Nonpoint source water quality standards revised re agricultural facilities and livestock operations; ``erosion control planning program" name changed to ``land and water resource management planning program"; nutrient management provisions [Sec. 766wm, 2488g-i, s-u, 2489c-L, 2490g, 2491dg, dr, L, 3273r, 3487p, 3585m, 3588c, 5197s, 9104 (1h)] [3273r, 3487p — partial veto] -
Act 27
Pesticide applicators re forest, ornamental or turf and right-of-way pest control: certification extension for [Sec. 9104 (2w)] -
Act 27
Private fish farming regulations [for section numbers, see entry under ``Fish and fishing"] -
Act 27
Remediation professionals: certification requirements created; DNR, DATCP and Comm.Dept memorandum of understanding [Sec. 346s, 3727g, 9137 (7n), 9437 (2m)] [vetoed]
Rural economic development program changes; grants for dairy farm or other agricultural business [Sec. 4382-4401, 4403, 4404, 9310 (3)] [4393 — partial veto; 4383n — vetoed] -
Act 27
Soil and water engineer staff funding [Sec. 9204 (1wx), (1wy)] [vetoed] -
Stray voltage program: fee imposed on rural electric cooperatives to fund [Sec. 171, 2499] -
Act 27
Stray voltage research funding; includes economic effect on milk production [Sec. 170v, 2498v, 3160m] [vetoed]
Sustainable agriculture grants: agricultural investment aids program expanded to include; gifts and grants for research and development [Sec. 172m, 176e, 2500, 2501]
Act 27
Warehouse keeper and grain dealer regulations -
Act 324
Weights and measures laws revised re liquified petroleum gas meters and fees, licenses for certain persons and fees for commercial scale licenses [Sec. 170, 2548-2568b, 9304 (1t), (2), 9404 (4t), (4x)] -
Act 27
Aid to 18-year-old students: sunset provision [Sec. 1873c, f] [1873f — partial veto] -
Act 27
Emergency assistance for families with needy children re natural disaster or energy emergency revised [Sec. 1789]
Act 27
Kinship care under AFDC: eligibility, deadline and federal waiver revisions [Sec. 1611, 1863, 5507]
Act 27
Public assistance and local assistance funding [Sec. 628b, c, 1857p-r] [1857p — partial veto]
Act 27
SSI recipient's dependent children: payments by DHFS required [Sec. 603, 1802, 1862, 1951, 1984, 9123 (3), 9323 (5)] [9123 (3) — vetoed] -
Act 27
W-2 program: funding consolidated [Sec. 5, 619-625, 626, 627, 630, 633-636, 1753, 1813, 1858, 1858m, 1861, 1864, 1866, 1871, 1872, 1879, 1893, 1901-1904] [627 — partial veto] -
Act 27
Ozone-depleting refrigerant in mobile air conditioners: recycling requirements revised -
Act 165
Air pollution stationary sources: funding for enforcement services [Sec. 337, 359, 3612] -
Act 27
Air quality attainment areas redesignated by tribal governing bodies: DNR duty re notification, report required
Act 270
Environmental cooperation pilot program created to evaluate innovative regulatory methods; LAB to monitor and report [Sec. 10r, 3789] -
Act 27
Gasoline vapor recovery equipment grants [Sec. 37, 37b, 9136 (1t), 9436 (1t)] -
Act 237
Permit guarantee program of DNR expanded -
Act 301
AODA and nervous and mental disorder insurance coverage: deductibles allowed [Sec. 4930d-rm, 9327 (3g), 9427 (4g)] -
Act 27
AODA community-based program funding [Sec. 595m, n, 606b, 9423 (2g)] [595m, 9423 (2g) — partial veto; 595n — vetoed] -
Act 27
AODA treatment facility: special penalty provisions for delivery, distribution or possession with intent to deliver or distribute a controlled substance on or near -
Act 327
Children's code coverage extended to unborn children of mothers with alcohol and controlled substance abuse problems; DHFS and Child abuse and neglect prevention board duties set; priority for pregnant women for private AODA treatment
Act 292
Community AODA and HIV services programs; foster grandparent funding revision [Sec. 590m, 600m, 604, 1411, 1505, 1506, 1524, 2131, 2132, 2142, 2709m, 2733m-2738m, 2745ag, ar, 2847, 3406, 3407] -
Act 27
Federal funds for certain child and youth services: DHFS to transfer to Corr.Dept; PR-S appropriation account created; youth aids allocations [Sec. 522-525, 1437, 1439, 1440, 1479, 1483, 1737, 1924, 3834, 3850-3851p]
Act 27
In-home and community mental health and AODA services; reimbursement for community-based psychological services [Sec. 1946m, 1948m, 1967m, 1968m] -
Act 27
Joint AODA prevention plan revisions [Sec. 1535m] -
Act 27
School-community AODA prevention, intervention, treatment and rehabilitation services plan of DHFS and DPI: requirements eliminated (remedial legislation)
Act 114
Substance abuse block grants: DHFS and Corr.Dept distribution of funds; funding to certain community organization re programs to limit violence and drug use [Sec. 1514-1516, 1525, 1526, 3856] -
Act 27
Seized alcohol beverages and cigarettes: use in criminal investigations authorized (remedial legislation)
Act 291
Sexual assault by use of intoxicant crime created; penalty revised for unlawful posession of flunitrazepam and certain other controlled substances -
Act 220
``Class B" license re 1997 WisAct 27: fee clarified -
Act 41
Fermented malt beverage tasting event on Class ``B" licensed premises: brewer representative restrictions created
Act 132
Fermented malt beverage wholesaler distribution rights: cause of action for agreement violations created; requirements re shipments from outside the state revised
Act 166
Local governmental regulation and quotas; municipal regulation to conform strictly to chapter provisions; operator's license provision [Sec. 2903t, 2904m, 2906gg-r, 2907dd-pp, 9343 (1tu), (1tv)] [2906gg, mg, mr, 9343 (1tu) — vetoed]
Act 27
Temporary ``Class B" licenses revised -
Act 259
Absolute sobriety for persons under age 21 [Sec. 4165md, 9349 (5mdq)] -
Act 27
Alcohol beverage sale to underage persons: procedure for imposing a penalty revised -
Act 337
Local governmental regulation and quotas; municipal regulation to conform strictly to chapter provisions; operator's license provision [Sec. 2903t, 2904m, 2906gg-r, 2907dd-pp, 9343 (1tu), (1tv)] [2906gg, mg, mr, 9343 (1tu) — vetoed]
Act 27
Underage drinking penalties and civil liability exemption re retaining proofs of age [Sec. 2903rm, 2905g, m, 9343 (1vx)] -
Act 27
Underage person on alcohol beverage licensed premises: exception created re billiards center -
Act 100
Underage person on alcohol beverage licensed premises: exception created re indoor volleyball court
Act 98
Cider: tax rate revised -
Act 136
Food stamps to qualified aliens: DWD to submit plan to U.S. Secretary of agriculture; nutrition outreach re W-2 and community agencies -
Act 236
Golf cart operation on roadway: travel route designation [Sec. 3964m, 4177m, 4187m] -
Act 27
Milwaukee symphony: allocation for state sponsorship of and advertising during media broadcasts of [Sec. 457]
Act 27
Music, art and dance therapists licensure exemption: administration transferred from Psychology examining board to DORL; sunset repealed -
Act 261
Special event security and traffic enforcement services by state traffic patrol: DOT may charge the event sponsor a fee [Sec. 499, 851, 2484, 4180, 9349 (9)] [499, 851, 2484 — partial veto] -
Act 27
Underage person on alcohol beverage licensed premises: exception created re billiards center -
Act 100
Harassment of fire department animals prohibited [Sec. 5346e-h, 9356 (2d)] -
Act 27
Telecommunication services to qualified private schools, postsecondary institutions, museums and zoos [Sec. 147k-p]
Act 27
Animal health and disease research council and board eliminated [Sec. 57c, j, 2543j] -
Act 27
Animal welfare laws: humane officer powers, duties and training; authority for care, treatment or disposal expanded; advisory committee provision -
Act 192
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